From the course: Cloud Security and Audit Fundamentals: AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud

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Security basics in Azure Storage

Security basics in Azure Storage

- [Instructor] Microsoft recommends using general popup storage accounts as they offer more flexibility in terms of what you can store. Microsoft Azure has a general popup storage account to store object data. Let us get into the Azure portal. To create a general popups account, we first have to create a storage account. We can either search for storage account in the search bar or look for it under the popular service. It's already listed here, so click on storage accounts. You can see we already have two storage accounts that have been created. We can go ahead and create another storage account. Let's pick up a name. We can use LinkedIn Learning Storage seven. Let's go Next. On the advanced page, ensure the minimum TLS version is set to 1.2 or greater. Any version 1.1 or 1.0 is insecure. Let's go to Next. Our networking tab. Currently it says, enable public access from all networks. Like we've talked about,…
