From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Strategic Influences

Strategic Influences

- [Instructor] As you develop a cybersecurity strategy that's aligned with your business, you'll need to take a variety of factors into account that may influence your decisions. Some of these are internal to the organization, while others are external constraints. From an internal perspective, you'll need to understand your organization's risk tolerance. How much risk are you willing to accept? Security is always a balancing act between usability and control. When you add new security controls, you generally make it a little more difficult for people to do business. If you don't have sufficient controls in place, you run the risk of a security incident. The challenge facing cybersecurity managers is balancing these two competing concerns and finding a good equilibrium for the organization. The risk tolerance of an organization will vary. A tech startup might be willing to accept more risk than a centuries-old bank.…
