From the course: Certified Information Security Manager (CISM) Cert Prep (2022): 1 Information Security Governance

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Designing an information security strategy

Designing an information security strategy

- [Instructor] Information security managers must go beyond the tactical day-to-day concerns of cybersecurity and work to develop cybersecurity strategies that guide the future of their programs. An information security strategy should lay out the roadmap for the program over the coming years. It should answer crucial questions including: How will the organization adapt to a changing threat environment? What are the organization's priorities for the coming years? What financial resources will be required to meet those priorities? And is the security team sufficiently sized and trained to deliver on those priorities? As you develop an information security strategy, it's helpful to have a set timeframe. While many organizations try to set five-year strategies, I found it much more reasonable to look at a three-year planning horizon. Things simply change too fast in the world of security, and plans that you set out today for…
