From the course: Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) Cert Prep: 6 Privacy Operational Life Cycle: Respond

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Build an incident response program

Build an incident response program

- [Instructor] While we strive to protect our systems and information against a wide variety of threats, the grim reality is that no matter how many controls we put in place, there's still the possibility that we'll fall victim to a privacy or security incident. As we explore the incident response process in this course, we'll first focus on using a standard incident response process endorsed by the National Institute for Standards and Technology, NIST. If you'd like more information on this process, you can find a complete reference in the NIST Computer Security Incident Handling Guide. That's published online as NIST Special Publication 800-61 and it's widely used as a standard reference throughout both the cybersecurity and privacy fields. Every organization should develop an incident response plan that outlines the policies, procedures, and guidelines that the organization will follow when an incident takes place. This preparation process is extremely important because it provides…
