From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Password security

Password security

- When you set a password policy for your organization, you have a number of technical controls available that allow you to set requirements for how users choose and maintain their passwords. Let's talk about a few of those mechanisms. The simplest and most common control on passwords is setting the password length. This is simply the minimum number of characters that must be included in a password. It's good practice to require that passwords be at least eight characters, but some organizations require even longer passwords. The longer a password, the harder it is to guess. Organizations may also set password complexity requirements. These requirements force users to include different types of characters in their passwords maybe uppercase and lowercase letters, digits, and even special characters. Just as with password length, the more character types are included in a password, the harder it is to guess. Password…
