From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Logging and monitoring

Logging and monitoring

- [Instructor] Logs provide a treasure trove of information for security professionals, whether they're investigating an incident, troubleshooting a technical problem, or gathering evidence. When logging is configured properly, organizations can look at a specific event and achieve three important objectives. First, they can determine who caused the event. That's a characteristic known as accountability or identity attribution. This attribution may be to a specific person, a computer's IP address, or a geographic location. Second, they can track down all of the other events related to the event they're investigating. That's a characteristic known as traceability. And finally, they can provide clear documentation of those actions. That's auditability. However, if you're like most security professionals, you simply don't have the time to do a thorough job of reviewing all of these security logs. There are simply far too many…
