From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Introducing TCP/IP

Introducing TCP/IP

- [Lecturer] We use networks every day, but we don't often pause to reflect upon what's happening under the covers, to make those networks function properly. As we begin our exploration of communication and network security, let's first talk about the basics of networking, and a set of protocols known as TCP/IP. TCP/IP is an acronym that stands for transmission control protocol, TCP, internet protocol, IP. TCP and IP are two of the main protocols that make up all modern networks. The internet protocol is responsible for routing information across networks. Now the name is a little deceiving because it's not just used on the internet. It's also used on the network in your home or office. The main responsibilities of the internet protocol are providing an addressing scheme, known as IP addresses, that uniquely identify computers on a network, and delivering information in chunks known as packets, from their source to the…
