From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Internet of Things

Internet of Things

- [Instructor] Industrial systems aren't the only ones that have gone through a major change over the past decade. Embedded computer systems are now part of our everyday life as we adapt to the internet of things. It's hard to walk around your house or the local consumer electronics store without seeing a huge number of devices that are now called smart this or smart that. I now have in my home a smart television, a smart garage door, and even a smart sprinkler system. All that smart means is that the devices are computer controlled and network connected. Embedded device technology began by taking some of the more common computing devices in our homes, such as game consoles and printers, and making them first network connected and then wireless. Manufacturers quickly realized that we wanted wireless connectivity to enable multiplayer games and printing without cables, and then brought this technology into the home. From…
