From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Implementation attacks

Implementation attacks

- [Instructor] Cryptographic systems may contain flaws based upon either their inherent design or the way that they were implemented in practice. These flaws may create vulnerabilities that allow an attacker to undermine the security of the system. Let's take a look at some of the implementation flaws that may disrupt the security of cryptographic systems. In fault injection attacks, the attacker attempts to compromise the integrity of a cryptographic device by causing some type of external fault. For example, they might use high-voltage electricity, high or low temperature, or other factors to cause a malfunction that undermines the security of the device. The fault condition may cause a system to fail to encrypt data properly, disclose unencrypted data, or experience other failures that jeopardize cryptographic security. Computer systems generate characteristic footprints of activity, such as changes in processor…
