From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Eavesdropping attacks

Eavesdropping attacks

- [Instructor] If an attacker is able to gain physical or logical access to a network, they may be able to eavesdrop on communications between two systems on that network. These attacks can be especially dangerous if the attacker is able to decrypt encrypted communications and view confidential information without the sender's knowledge or consent. All eavesdropping attacks require some compromise of the communication path between a client and a server. This might include tapping into a network device or cable or conducting a DNS or ARP poisoning attack to trick a system into sending traffic directly to the attacker,. instead of the intended recipient. In a moment, we'll take a look at a few different types of eavesdropping attacks. But before we do that, here's just a quick reminder of how web communications take place. A user running a web browser initiates a connection to a server located somewhere, often a data center.…
