From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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Cloud service categories

Cloud service categories

- [Instructor] Cloud services come in a variety of different categories. Let's take a look at the three service categories of cloud computing as defined in the cloud reference architecture. Software as a service, infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service. In a software as a service model, the public cloud provider delivers an entire application to its customers. Customers don't need to worry about processing, storage, networking, or any of the infrastructure details behind the cloud service. The vendor writes the application, configures the servers, and basically gets everything running for customers who then simply use the service. Very often, these services are accessed through a standard web browser. So very little if any configuration is required on the customer's end. Common examples of software as a service applications include email delivered by Google Apps or Microsoft Office 365, and…
