From the course: Cert Prep: ISC2 Certified in Cybersecurity (CC)

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- As a security professional you must also understand how to apply security controls that protect the availability of information on systems. As the third leg of the CIA triangle, availability controls ensure that information and systems remain available to authorized users when needed. They protect against disruptions to normal system operation or data availability. Let's talk about five different types of event that can disrupt the availability of systems. Denial-of-service attacks, power outages, hardware failures, destruction of equipment, and service outages. Denial-of-service attacks occur when a malicious individual bombards a system with an overwhelming amount of traffic. The idea is to simply send so many requests to a server that it's unable to answer any requests from legitimate users. We can protect our systems against denial-of-service attacks by using firewalls that block illegitimate requests, and by…
