From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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Platform and distribution model

Platform and distribution model - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

Platform and distribution model

- [Voiceover] One of the first choices you'll need to make when designing a video game is which platform your game will be played on. The platform requirements and limitations will dictate a large chunk of your design choices. A platform is the device or environment that the game is designed to play on. Home-based and handheld console systems, iPads, smartphones, TVs, PCs, Amazon, Facebook, and arcade-based consoles are all types of platforms. It would be difficult to move through a single day without running into a device that games could be played on. In most cases, the device will determine the limitation of the games that can be built for it. Each platform has very specific requirements for a game to run properly. Some platforms, such as an Xbox or a PC, are very broad in the types of games that can be played on them. Smartphones and tablets have limited storage and graphics processing ability. Only games designed with these limitations in mind will run on these platforms…
