From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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Level design skills

Level design skills

- [Voiceover] Let's look at some of the skills and traits important to becoming a level designer. First, knowledge of at least one commercial level design toolkit, such as the Unreal Development Kit, or UDK, or Unity. Second, knowledge of architecture and structural design is essential to building believable, realistic, or stylized settings. Knowledge of visual design is also necessary to create striking layouts in the game. Third, fluency in a game engine scripting language. All game engines include a scripting or programming language that controls behaviors or actions within the engine. Mastering a game engine scripting language allows the level designer to control many aspects of the game. Fourth, level artists need to be able to use 3D modeling software like Max or Maya. It is often necessary for the level designer to create props or assets they need to fit a particular area or purpose. While a development team will have modelers to fill this role, a level designer will need to…
