From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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Game theory

Game theory

- [voiceover] Game theory is defined as the study of mathematical models of conflict and cooperation between intelligent, rational decision-makers. That definition's a little dense. It might be easier to think of game theory as a blueprint for how people make decisions, which can get pretty complex. Ultimately though, a video game or a game of any type is a long series of player decisions. That makes game theory a really important subject to know about. Game theory is centered on a player's choices, choices which are based on how one player's gains influence the other participants. Most often, these choices are yours, and yours alone to make. Your personal ethics, beliefs, and behaviors are going to dictate which choices you make. Game theory doesn't just apply to video games, but to a wide range of behavioral relations. It has become a huge area of study, and it's considered an umbrella term for the science of logical decision-making in humans, animals, and computers. Game theory is…
