From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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Funding options for games

Funding options for games - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

Funding options for games

- [Voiceover] A wise man once said video games take two things to make creativity and money. We've spent a lot of time in this series talking about the creative side the game production process. We haven't talked much about finding the money necessary to fund them. The next line here should be something like the average video game costs X. Fill in X with a huge dollar amount. The truth is, we really don't know, as there isn't much of a thing as an average video game and publishers and developers almost never release information on the budgets of their games. Most publishers are publicly traded companies which combine all their production costs in investor reports giving little insight into individual game costs. We do know that blockbuster games for a console system, PC, or online, can cost millions of dollars. Smaller app based or independently funded games will probably cost significantly less, but here lies the problem, significantly less still might be far more than you or your…
