From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

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A brief history of video games

A brief history of video games - Unity Tutorial

From the course: Careers in the Game Industry

A brief history of video games

- [Voiceover] Video games have only been around for 30 or 40 years. In that short time span, video game production has gone through some dramatic changes. The first playable video games were housed on huge multimillion-dollar mainframes. Early in the history of video games, they were seen as specialized oddities created to prove technical concepts. Games have come a long way from their unassuming roots. Today everyone has access to video games. The formats of video games have expanded also from their humble early stages, a simple one-person arcade-based entertainment to massive multiplayer environments. Consider that in the late 70s, Activision, Electronic Arts, and other pioneering companies would simply place their games in plastic bags with Xeroxed instruction pamphlets. These early marketing attempts were sold in small specialty stores because there wasn't a conventional way to distribute the games to players. However, as demand for video games increased, better marketing…
