From the course: Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

Writing your resume

- [Instructor] Writing your resume can be a difficult journey, as you may have gaps or show jobs you would rather leave out. You also have artificial intelligence weeding out resumes that don't fit the description needed. If you can afford it, a professional may do a better job as they already know these issues and how to overcome them. Your college or university may also assist at no charge. Let's look at some of the pointers for how to create the best resume. Create multiple resumes for various jobs. If you do one resume for all jobs, it's likely going to get kicked by AI or skipped. Target each job type you're going for. Keep your resume points brief. Don't write an entire paragraph for each thing you've done. Try for a resume that fits on one page, if possible. Keep your date and month formats all aligned properly and look for spelling errors. Formatting and spelling errors will get a resume kicked quickly by HR. Use a template in Word or other application to help keep you in line. Place your skills at the top of the page. Consider putting them in an inserted table for formatting purposes. Employers want to see those skills right away, so don't make them hunt for them. Keep them brief. If you have experience with Windows Server 2022, just put in Windows Server 2022 and not all the function underneath it. You can combine operating systems like Windows 7, 8, 10, and 11 instead of adding each one individually. For previous jobs, don't go back any further than 10 years. There's no need and no one will want to see it. If you have a gap in employment but you've fixed computers for friends and family, put in John's Computer Service as a job. Briefly say, "fixed local computers and mobile devices for an in-neighborhood business." You can explain what that means in the interview. As an employer, I would always give credit for this type of experience and I would ask the candidate to elaborate on what types of devices they fixed. 98% of all corporations are using artificial intelligence. If you want to outsmart the AI bots, there are some rules you should follow and tips to learn. Machines are efficient in identifying qualified candidates, but they aren't perfect. Don't miss a chance to land a job by overlooking some of the key requirements to make it past the first round of application review. Upload your resume as a Word doc, as many Ais will kick out other formats they cannot read, such as PDFs. Use the keywords in the wanted ad as part of your resume. The bots are looking for them. If you type in you have Office 2022 experience and the ad stated it wanted Office 365 experience, then you just lost out. Leave data out of headers and footers. Many bots can't read them. Avoid fancy fonts that can't be easily read by humans or bots. Leave out pictures and graphics. AI can't see them and may reject based on this. Once you get past the first round, feel free to create a resume with more detail you can hand an HR person. This will help to get them know you better in a way AI cannot do. There is a lot to consider when creating your resume. Make sure you tailor yours to the job you want.
