From the course: Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

What runs over the Internet Protocol?

From the course: Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

What runs over the Internet Protocol?

- [Instructor] What runs over the internet protocol? We commonly say TCP/IP, but this actually refers to two different protocols, transport control protocol and internet protocol. Picture the car being IP and the driver being TCP. There's only one car, but we can have many drivers such as UDP, ICMP, and others. Here's a short list of some of those protocols. TCP is connection oriented, which means that it will confirm the data got delivered to its destination, or it will keep attempting to do so until it is confirmed. This is excellent for secure transactions like banking. UDP is fast, but connectionless. Its job is just to get there as fast as possible, even if some packets of data fall off on the way. This is great for gaming. GRE is a tunneling protocol that works with other protocols for secure VPN communications, for things like ping to see if another device is up on the network. There are many more drivers for our IP car that can be utilized. What you're seeing here is the path a packet takes from a computer to a hosted file location. It will start with word in the hard drive where it will get edited. It goes to the processor down to the network card and over the network cable. What you're seeing here is the path a packet takes from a computer to a hosted file location. It will start with word in the hard drive where it will get edited and saved into the hard drive. After that, it goes to the processor to get ready for transport. Then down to the network card and over the network cable. It has left the local area network for a cloud storage location, like Azure. In the cloud, it passes through many routers and switches until it reach the firewall of the destination network. It goes back up the cable until it reaches its destination location. We can watch this happen through a product like Wireshark. It analyzes the traffic and lets you know of each goal post the packet reaches along the way from start to finish. The internet is very flexible about what can ride on top of it. And that makes it much more useful as we continue to ride on its shoulders to the future.
