From the course: Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

Explore the hiring process

From the course: Career Essentials in System Administration by Microsoft and LinkedIn

Explore the hiring process

- You've completed your education and pasture certifications and now, you're ready to apply for that first CIS admin job. You can apply for jobs using the latest job sites, crews help wanted ads online or even rent a billboard, looking for a job. The number one way to get a job in the fastest time is to know the person you are interviewing. That means people networking while you're still in school or working a job. Get to know the people around you. I've hired and been hired by many people I know just because I spent time earning their trust. When hiring managers are going through resumes and CVs, your friends and acquaintances will be placing your resume at the top of the list. However, I realize that not everyone will be fortunate enough to have that kind of help. So we need to find other ways to stand out in a positive way. Depending on your location, websites like or can be great places to apply. Be sure to turn on the feature to let recruiters know you're available, if that is something you'd like to do. Some recruiters are just bots that are placed there to see who would respond based on working for various marketing reasons. If you're unsure, then get a phone number and call the person, ask what city they're located and make sure it's a real company. Another way to more likely get a CIS admin job is to look for recruiters in your area. Just search for IT recruiters and pick ones near you. Call them up, send your resume or CV and make an appointment to see them. They get paid a lot of money by employers to find people like you. So, they're in your corner, right from the start. You may take some IT type of tests. These tend to be very easy and just there to weed out candidates that have no understanding of the job. You'll then get interviewed and then wait for them to find you a job. It usually won't take very long and you'll be on your way to a temporary position that will be great for your experience. At the end of three or six months, you may get an offer from the client or you may start another position elsewhere. Sending out resumes or CVS generally has the least amount of quick success, but eventually you will have some employers call you back. Even if you don't know the employer personally, there are ways to get your CIS admin job and you'll be on your way to your new career.
