From the course: Canva Essential Training

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Publish a social media post

Publish a social media post - Canva Tutorial

From the course: Canva Essential Training

Publish a social media post

- [Instructor] In this video, we will talk about designs for social media like Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook posts. Now we've already seen templates and presets for social media designs. In fact, most of the designs I've created in this course started with a preset for an Instagram post. And we know that social media posts can have static graphics or they can have video or animated elements. So there's nothing new to cover when it comes to creating and building your design. Instead, we'll talk about publishing directly to your social media accounts. So I have a design open that I built earlier in this course. When I'm ready to publish it, I'll click the share button up in the top right. And earlier in the course, we saw some export options and some options for sharing designs with teammates. In this video, I want to go to the section here labeled share on social. And from here you can link Canva directly to your accounts on…
