From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

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Map your strategic landscape

Map your strategic landscape

- Before you can propose partnerships, you need to understand where your organization fits into the broader strategic landscape. Only by understanding the ecosystem will you be able to quickly identify gaps and opportunities for collaboration. Whatever business deals you forge will need to dovetail with each organization's broader vision. So start by understanding your company's five-year vision and corporate strategy. The vision is what the world will look like if you're successful. The strategy is how your organization plans to get there, the journey. Your deals can accelerate that journey. Providing shortcuts along the way. Once you know where the company is trying to go, make sure you have a clear picture of where you are today. What is your positioning in your broader corporate landscape? Identify the roadblocks on the path that will take you from here to there. Use this list of potential roadblocks as a starting…
