From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

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Case study: How to build a tech alliance

Case study: How to build a tech alliance

- Tech companies are able to accelerate growth through partnerships in many ways, either to gain access to a partner's technology, product line, or sales and marketing capability. The Biz Dev function might be structured to align with corporate strategies, target markets, or products. Here are a couple of examples of tech alliances. Yahoo! was looking to partner in some tech areas so it could free up their development teams to focus on a few big bets. One strategy was to exit maps which had a large dedicated development team. Yahoo! worked to deal with Nokia to give them their maps technology and team in exchange for winning the right to be the provider of user email and communications in Nokia hardware. Win, win, win! Yahoo! got out of a market without abandoning their customers and gained access to a new market for their priority email and comms products. Adobe was planning the end of life of their Adobe Flash…
