From the course: Business Development Foundations: Alliances & Partnerships

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Build support for your partnership externally

Build support for your partnership externally

- Building support for your partnership is hard enough within your own organization. It's even harder to do the same across the partners company. After all, internally, you've probably already developed relationships. You have access to corporate strategy documents, and understand the culture and how things really get done. But your potential partner's organization may feel like a black box. It can be hard to tell from people's titles who actually has influence, both over getting the deal done and the implementation post signing being a success. This is especially difficult if the potential partner doesn't have a strong business development process or culture of rapid innovation, and your counterpart lacks the social capital to get things done. If you're in the exploring the landscape phase, it's good to establish relationships with multiple key positions within any potential partner company. There is no one person…
