From the course: Building Rapport with Customers (2022)

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Use rapport to disarm angry customers

Use rapport to disarm angry customers

- Picture this. Your next call is from an angry customer. He's loud, ranting, and unreasonable. But you don't lose your cool. No. You say things like, "I can see your point on that," and, "We want to get to the bottom of this as much as you do." You match your customer's intensity with a sense of urgency and within seconds, the tables have turned and you're in control. What you've just done is used proven tools of rapport to disarm your angry customer. Now, to do this, you need to start by acknowledging, yielding, and pacing. Acknowledging your customer's concern is a great way to create calm and diffuse anger. Acknowledge with statements like, "I think I'd feel the same way if I were in your shoes," or, "I'm sorry this has been your experience," or, "I can see your point on that." Yielding to customers is making sure you don't interrupt or overtalk. If you do accidentally interrupt, your customer may not take too…
