From the course: Building and Managing a High-Performing Sales Team

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Motivating your sales team

Motivating your sales team

- Having experienced both the ups and downs in sales, I know how hard it is to stay motivated when things don't work out. Being able to keep your team's spirits high is one of the things that makes the difference between a good manager and a great manager. Easier said than done, right? Let me show you how I ensure that my team stays inspired and productive. The foundation for a motivated team lies in having a clear and achievable career development plan in place. Take a look at your sales department and ask yourself what are the different career paths available to my reps? Also ask is our compensation package structured in a way that motivates the reps? Ask am I setting challenging yet attainable goals for my team? Talk with your reps one-on-one on a regular basis about what they want to get out of their job and career. Depending on the career path that they envision for themselves, you can work together with your team…
