From the course: Building and Managing a High-Performing Sales Team

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Know your team's training needs

Know your team's training needs

- Your team's success starts with you. And that success depends greatly on the training that your team gets. A focused training strategy can align sales training methods with your business strategy, goals, and needs. It can encourage the right mindset from your reps, it can help your team better understand your customers, and it can keep your reps up-to-date on changes and break news in the industry. Training isn't one size fits all and it doesn't end after on-boarding. Training must be an on-going and continuous process where your reps develop the craft of sales throughout their careers. Equipping your team with the latest techniques and strategies is necessary to succeed in a constantly evolving world. To manage your team, you have to understand your team's strengths and weaknesses. And you also have to consider what you need to teach them to keep them on the top of their game. Here's some questions you can ask yourself…
