From the course: Building and Managing a High-Performing Sales Team

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Is your team underperforming?

Is your team underperforming?

- You've got a sales team that you believe in but somehow the numbers aren't adding up. What can you do to ensure that your team is performing at the best of their abilities at all times? It's important to perform health checks on your team assessing their performance and wellbeing as well as determining areas for improvement. Regular diagnosis will help you identify and tackle any problems before they severely affect performance. It's always better to be proactive. A few questions you can ask your team to help diagnose problems are on a scale of one to five, how happy are you to come to work every day, are other reps on the team willing to help you or is there a sense of unhealthy competition, are there particular stages in the sales process where you frequently experience challenges or the deals get stuck, what steps can management or the team take to find more leads and win more business, are there any tools or…
