From the course: Building and Managing a High-Performing Sales Team

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Align sales and marketing

Align sales and marketing

- Sales and marketing are two sides of the same coin. They both lead to revenue generation, and they both need to keep their focus on the customer. Research shows that teams that successfully align sales and marketing generate 32% more revenue, retain 36% more customers, and achieve 38% higher win rates. But sometimes these two departments can seem at odds. Sales can be frustrated when they feel like marketing doesn't bring them enough qualified leads. Marketing can complain that sales lacks strategy. But it's important to have both departments on good terms, on the same page, and working towards shared goals. Let me show you how you can do it. One of the first things you need to do as a sales manager is align goals and strategies with marketing leadership, ensuring the two departments are working together towards the main goals of the company. And they only way to work hand-in-hand towards the same goals is if…
