From the course: Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program for Your Startup

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Securing people

Securing people

- [Instructor] Securing your people may be the most important aspect of your startup's cybersecurity program. All of the other assets we've discussed so far are replaceable, but your people, don't underestimate their value. Providing your startup employees with access to mental health resources is not only an admirable HR practice, but it also supports your cybersecurity program. Happy, well-adjusted employees are less likely to become insider threats, abusing their access to steal data from your startup or otherwise cause harm. By the same token, employees in a positive state of mind are less likely to commit mistakes brought on by burnout or exhaustion. That includes simple mistakes, like clicking on links in phishing emails even when they know better. LinkedIn Learning is a staunch supporter of mental health, and they've even published an entire learning path dedicated to helping employees support their mental health…
