From the course: Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program for Your Startup

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People who work with your startup

People who work with your startup

- [Instructor] Your startup will live or die based on the relationships you have with vendors, partners, and suppliers. In other words, you'll want to protect the people who work with your startup, as well as the people who work for your startup. It's a subtle distinction, but it's an important one. When exploring opportunities to protect these folks, it helps to start thinking about what each person or company stands to gain from your relationship. Vendors and suppliers want your business. If they can build a recurring revenue stream by building a positive relationship with your startup, then they can use that revenue to grow their own business. They also want your logo. The more logos they have in their list of current customers, the easier it is for their sales team to find new customers who can also help their company grow. These vendor and supplier relationships are not one-sided for either you or for them. Your…
