From the course: Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program for Your Startup

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People who work for your startup

People who work for your startup

- [Instructor] Trust plays an important role in any cybersecurity program, and enabling trust between you and the folks who work for your startup is key. This group includes both your employees and your contractors. You can start by defining job descriptions for everyone who works at your startup. By clearly defining roles and responsibilities, you set the expectation of what you want those folks to do once they sign on. You also set expectations for what you don't want them to do, which is equally important. So how does this help your security program? One group of cybersecurity controls that's going to come up in each and every assessment is identity and access management, or IAM. Your IAM controls ensure that the right folks have the right access to the things they need in order to do their jobs. If the folks who work for your startup aren't sure what they're supposed to do, they might ask for unnecessary access…
