From the course: Building an Effective Cybersecurity Program for Your Startup

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Embrace simplicity

Embrace simplicity

- [Instructor] A simple cybersecurity program is often both more effective and more affordable than the ivory tower alternative. I said it earlier, but it bears repeating, complexity is the enemy of security. Every conversation you have about your cybersecurity program should begin with a reminder to keep things simple. Cybersecurity is intended to serve the business, not the other way around. When a cybersecurity program starts to exist for its own sake, to compete with the goals of the business, that's a key indicator that you're focusing on the wrong things, an effective cybersecurity program will minimize disruptions to the business. And there are three questions that you can and should ask when planning to make any changes related to cybersecurity. The first and most important question is, why are we doing this? Again, security for the sake of security isn't the best use of your startup's money or your people's time.…
