From the course: Build Your Marketing Technology Stack

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Ensure proper MarTech usage and adoption

Ensure proper MarTech usage and adoption

From the course: Build Your Marketing Technology Stack

Ensure proper MarTech usage and adoption

- So now you've already made a considerable investment in time and money to build out your MarTech stack. What's next? Making sure your team uses it. Think about it like this. You wouldn't buy a flashy new sports car and let it gather dust in the garage, right? It's the same with MarTech platforms. You might be surprised to learn that only 42% of marketing teams are fully using their MarTech capabilities. Underutilizing these applications not only wastes money, but can be demotivating for employees. Clearly, there's so much more potential to tap into, so let's get into how you can ensure high usage and adoption of your MarTech stack. First off, you've got to involve stakeholders early on in the tool selection process. Decisions about MarTech shouldn't be made in a vacuum. Get your stakeholders on board from the get-go and understand their needs. Their insights and buy-in can be invaluable in ensuring the tool's success.…
