From the course: Build Your Marketing Technology Stack

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Create a MarTech training and onboarding program

Create a MarTech training and onboarding program

From the course: Build Your Marketing Technology Stack

Create a MarTech training and onboarding program

- [Instructor] Okay, let's dive into a critical part of implementing MarTech at your company. Training and onboarding. The end goal is to create a program that not only helps everyone get onboard with the new tools but also lets you leverage their potential fully. So where do we start? First, you're going to want to document your MarTech Stack. This means all the tools and applications that form your technological arsenal should be compiled and organized neatly. Think of it as your MarTech map. Start with a simple spreadsheet or create a visual diagram. Next, take this information and use it to build an internal website, or wiki on your company's intranet. This will be your team's go-to place for everything MarTech. From tool documentation to training videos, this wiki can become a comprehensive resource hub. Make sure to keep it updated and user-friendly. Now how about the various marketing tasks your team will undertake?…
