From the course: Build a Personal Learning Plan and Stick with It

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Social learning

Social learning

- Behavioral research has revealed that there are a variety of ways in which people take in knowledge and develop skills. I'd like to talk to you about an approach called social learning. Social learning is when learning occurs simply by observing the behaviors of others. Take jump rope, for instance. You may not have done it before, but if you observed others in action, you'd probably have enough information to be able to participate at at least a beginner level. Social learning is our ability to learn things without having direct experience with it. It highlights the power of learning from relationships through observation, imitation, or modeling. This type of learning can be sufficient enough to learn from and begin practicing right away. When it comes to your learning plan, think about where social learning might be the best for you to acquire knowledge. Let's explore different methods of social learning. The first…
