From the course: Build a Personal Learning Plan and Stick with It

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Create personal accountability

Create personal accountability

- When it comes to your learning plan, it's important that you not only outline what needs to get done, but also outline a plan that holds you personally accountable to getting things done. So what's personal accountability? Personal accountability is when an individual takes full ownership of their learning and their overall growth so that they can see the results that they want in their lives. This is all about you and you alone. You want to be able to focus on the things that you can influence so that you can set yourself up for success. Now, let's talk through how to create a personal accountability plan that's going to make sure that you bring your learning plan to life. The first tip is to focus your attention on what you can control. Many people, and maybe even you, have found themselves stuck or maybe even stalled simply because they focused on the things that were outside of their control. This type of…
