From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Why Pose Mode is awesome for animation

Why Pose Mode is awesome for animation - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Why Pose Mode is awesome for animation

- [Instructor] In this video, I want to cover some of the really cool things that you can do inside of Pose Mode that isn't available if you are animating in object mode. Let's take a look. One of my favorite tools is the Breakdowner. Let's say we have these two key frames, 80 and about 113 or so, and that's right when we're turning the ship. If I go partway between them, I can move over here and then a left click on my Breakdowner. Now from here, click on my Bone and just start left click and dragging. If I move my mouse to the left, without letting go of the left click, I favor the previous key, which is set at number 80. If I go all the way to the right, it favors the next key, which was 113. Or I can go somewhere in the middle. I'm going to let go of my mouse and then left click one more time, and there we go. We've now favored one through the other. Now I have this little kickback going on right here, see…
