From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Solution: Implementing Geometry Nodes

Solution: Implementing Geometry Nodes - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Solution: Implementing Geometry Nodes

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the solution on combining our awesome animation with all the geometry nodes that we made in this chapter. Now before I get started, I want to to call out one really awesome person from the Blender Studio themselves. His name is Simon Thommes and he's made a lot of amazing tutorials as he's one of the developers who helped make geometry nodes come to life inside of Blender. He's got this great video series on Geometry Nodes from Scratch, where he teaches all about how they work. I've taken direct inspiration from a lot of his work, so definitely check him out. Now let's go back to Blender. And let's switch into our layout. And in the previous chapter we had our animation set up with a graph editor at the bottom, but I can go ahead and left-click and drag that to close it. Now from here I want to go to View, Align View, and Center Cursor and Frame All. That way our cursor is…
