From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Solution: Detail your starfighter

Solution: Detail your starfighter - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Solution: Detail your starfighter

(bright music) - [Instructor] Let's talk about how to add some really cool textural detail now that you've learned so much about unwrapping in materials inside a blender. As you come over to the Shading tab, you can see that I went ahead and added a very similar structure to a lot of different materials. I made a new image texture called ShipScarring that is blank, as you can see over here on the left. And I have a mixed color node. In the cases where I didn't have anything fancy, I just used the raw color and piped it into base color. Now, how do I know which materials to add this similar structure to? Well, if you go to Edit Mode, Faces, you can select a bunch of different faces here. And over here on the right where the Material Properties are at, you can see that this area changes each and every time I pick on a different material. So I just went through all of these, dragged a box, and I went to Copy and…
