From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Painting a texture inside of Blender

Painting a texture inside of Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Painting a texture inside of Blender

- [Instructor] In the previous video, we talked about how you had multiple ways of unwrapping. For this video, I've gone ahead and taken the time to really unwrap it, and you can see that everything looks a bit more square-like, unlike your traditional smart UV, which had things a little bit broken up and at angles. It's important to try to make things as square and flat on as possible 'cause it reduces distortion. There's also a really good way to test your distortion. Now, before I begin, I do want to say, there's a lot of steps in this video, so feel free to pause it and rewind at any point in time. All right, let's check our distortion really quick. Over here, where it says UV editing, you'll see this little window here. You might have to hold down your middle mouse and drag it over. And you'll see it says, browse image should be linked. And right next to it is a button. Let's click on it, it says plus new. From…
