From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Menus, search, and shortcuts

Menus, search, and shortcuts - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Menus, search, and shortcuts

- [Instructor] Now that you have a really good idea of how the Blender interface is laid out, let's take a look at one of the more popular things you're going to be doing, clicking on menus and tools. At the top left here, you'll see a bunch of different modes that are available to you. If I hover my mouse over to the left, I can left click and drag this open and switch my different modes to see all the different tools available. Not only do my tools on the left change, but my sub menu up here changes as well. I even have a smaller sub menu to select either vertices, edges, or faces. Let's go ahead and play with that really quick. I'm going to zoom in. Remember, you can either mouse wheel in or hold down control and middle mouse in, or just use your Zoom tool. Let's go ahead and move a little bit closer. Select vertices and I can left click and drag a box to select multiple vertices or maybe just left click on one.…
