From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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How to use modifiers in Blender

How to use modifiers in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

How to use modifiers in Blender

- [Instructor] In this video, we're going to go ahead and modify some of the objects that you've made. Don't worry if you don't have access to the Exercise Files. You can go ahead and just make some new objects and follow along. Let's go ahead and click on this cube back here. On the right side of your view, you can left-click and drag and get a little bit more real estate if you need it. And then left-click on the blue wrench. It's called Modifiers. The Modifiers tab is going to be one of your favorite places to play with inside of Blender. Let's go ahead and left-click on Add Modifier. And you'll see that there is a new drop-down. Each of these have little sections where you can go ahead and add different kinds of modifiers. The Edit category is a little bit more advanced. This lets you move the guts of, say, one object to another. For example, you can move the UVs, you can make vertices stick to each other, you can…
