From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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How to install and things to know

How to install and things to know - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

How to install and things to know

- [Instructor] Blender is free and open source and has a wide range of compatibility depending on your operating system and computer. To download it, simply go to From here, you'll be greeted by a nice big download button. Now at the time of this course recording, we're just in the Blender 4.0 series. In the future, it might say Blender 4.1 or 4.2. And if those updates are incremental, generally speaking, all the things that you learn in this course can apply to those future versions. As major versions release, I'll be sure to update this essential training so that we're always on top of the latest and greatest updates. From here, just click on Download. Depending on your computer, you'll see a download Blender 4, which will download a nice installer. If you need to, you can come down here and install different versions. For example, if you're on MacOS, maybe you need an Intel or the M1 or M2, et cetera,…
