From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Creating concepts with Grease Pencil

Creating concepts with Grease Pencil - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Creating concepts with Grease Pencil

- [Tutor] Let's start by looking at how to concept inside of Blender, by using the 'Grease Pencil'. First, go to "File," "New," and click on 2D animation. You don't need to save this, so go ahead and click on "don't save." From here, you'll be greeted by a brand new workspace, that is completely dedicated to drawing. Now don't worry if you're not a master draftsman, we're just going to go ahead and explore. As always, over here on the left, you can left click and drag and get an idea of what tools are available to you. I recommend you just hold down your left click and just start drawing. Unlike drawing with a piece of paper, you can go ahead and instantly erase, or just outright undo. Now as you're drawing, you're probably telling yourself, you know these drawings, this line looks really, really dim. At the top here, you can change your strength and kick it up. If you're drawing with a pen tablet, you can…
