From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Challenge: Make your first scene in Blender 4.0

Challenge: Make your first scene in Blender 4.0 - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Challenge: Make your first scene in Blender 4.0

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Now that you have a good idea of how to add objects, move, rotate, and scale them around, and even change your color and adjust the lighting, I'd like you to spend the next few minutes going ahead and making a very interesting scene and adding some more objects or lights. I will give you one hint, however, remember this camera icon over here? If you go ahead and left-click on it, you can't see too much when you do a final render. So, what we want to do is you could do a left-click on the camera and move it around. But that would be really cumbersome. Another thing I like to do is with my camera active, right? So here it's active because this is my camera view, I'm going to hit N. N for numbers, remember that? And I'm going to go where it says View. And under my View tab, I'm going to go to lock Camera to View. Now, here's what's interesting. If I use my middle mouse wheel, hold down…
