From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Challenge: Implement Geometry Nodes

Challenge: Implement Geometry Nodes - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Challenge: Implement Geometry Nodes

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the Chapter Challenge forgeometry nodes. In this chapter, we've covered an enormous amount of new features that have been added to Blender. So for this Chapter Challenge, I want you to take that trench run in the particle simulation and add it to your Starfighter's animation. From there, you can go ahead and refine your geometry nodes to make it fit your scene. I'll give you a hint. You want to go to File, Open, and open up your previous chapter's animation. From here, you want to go ahead and click on File and append the objects from your geometry nodes. From there, you can go ahead and manipulate it. Good luck, and in the next video, we'll cover how to do it all.
