From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Challenge: Fix a 3D model

Challenge: Fix a 3D model

(soft music) - [Instructor] We've done a lot in this chapter. We've learned how to concept out a really cool spaceship. Learned how storyboarding can help us tell a story over time by quickly drawing it. And then we finally got really nitty gritty by 3D modeling. In this chapter challenge, I want to challenge you on what to do if something breaks in your 3D modeling. Let me give you a few hints. Go ahead and click on this spaceship and go to edit mode. And let's say you're just doing edit mode and you want to do a loop cut and you notice something weird. This loop cut doesn't go all the way. In fact, if you do a cut here or here, you'll notice that it just seems to stop somewhere in this area for some reason. How do you fix that? Well, I'll tell you the tool that you're going to need to use. It's a combination of mesh and merging vertices, so make sure you're in vertices mode. And a mesh delete and dissolving. Dissolving…
