From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Challenge: Detail your starfighter

Challenge: Detail your starfighter - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Challenge: Detail your starfighter

(lively music) - [Instructor] In the previous video, you learned how awesome it was to go ahead and paint textures right onto your space fighter. You might've noticed that if you exited Blender or you left Blender, you might've been greeted by a new thing. Let me just go to file new really quick. Save one modified image. Let me cancel out of this really quick and show you that at the top left here, if I click on image, you'll see it has a little star. You're always going to want to go ahead and save your texture. I recommend a PNG with RGBA turned on. And go ahead and click save as image. Now in this challenge video, we've covered so much in this chapter that I really want to just challenge you to express your artistic ability. Go ahead and paint something awesome or maybe play with the material. Whatever you decide, it's totally up to you. I look forward to seeing what amazing star fighter you make. Good luck.
