From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Challenge: Animate your first scene

Challenge: Animate your first scene - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Challenge: Animate your first scene

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] Welcome to the chapter challenge on animation. For this challenge, I want to touch on two big topics. The first is go ahead and animate this Star Fighter and see what awesome animation you can come up with. Be sure to use a graph editor to refine your animation or motion paths so you can get an idea of where your Star Fighter's going to go. Another thing to consider is your camera. In an earlier chapter, we talked about the camera some. You can go ahead and click on this tab here and see what the camera sees. You can even hit the N Button and scroll down a little bit, click on view, and where it says lock, do lock camera to view. That way you can follow the Star Fighter as it moves. And because you have auto keyframe on, wherever you look, your camera's going to update. Another thing that's handy is over here on the right, you can scroll down to viewport display. If you don't see this,…
